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Emmylou Harris - If I Needed You

Emmylou Harris - If I Needed You


If I needed you Would you come to me

Would you come to me For to ease my pain 

If you needed me I would come to you

I would swim the sea For to ease your pain


Well the night's forlon And the morning's born

And the morning's born With lights of love And you'll miss sunrise


If you close your eyes And that would break My heart in two


If I needed you Would you come to me Would you come to me

For to ease my pain


If you needed me I would come to you

I would swim the sea For to ease your pain


Baby's with me now Since I showed her

How to lay her lily hand in mine

Who could ill-agree

She's a sight to see A treasure for the poor to find


If I needed you Would you come to me

Would you come to me For to ease my pain

If you needed me I would come to you

I would swim the sea For to ease your pain




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